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WORKING WITH PHOTOGRAPHS — Chapter 10 — sample page

Working with, and not from, photographs details using photos as source material, how to avoid problems, how to use photographic distortion to your advantage, how not to become a slave to photographs, and to learn to not copy but interpret, and more...

Working from photographs - using photos as source material, how to avoid problems, and how to use photographic distortion to your advantage
This image was sourced from a PDF layout file and does not reflect the final quality

I just received your book and am ecstatic over how wonderful it is. I'm an over-the-top collector of art instruction books, so I have lots to compare it to and yours is so incredible I actually clutched it to my heart after rapidly scanning it several times. An amazing book! Thanks so much for sharing your talents and skills and for being so generous and thoughtful with the instructions.
Vicki Fortuno

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