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DRAWING ELLIPSES — Chapter 18 — sample page

Drawing Ellipses details how to draw true ellipses by eye, and common errors to avoid. Also includes how to draw very large ellipses on any surface from drawing paper to walls.

Drawing Ellipses - how to draw true ellipses by eye, and common errors to avoid. Also includes how to draw very large ellipses on any surface.
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I received your book - and what a treasure it is! I am so happy I tossed out my shopping list of "bargain books" and treated myself to this, and I look forward to spending many hours with it. I've spent my whole life wanting to draw better but never gave it enough practice. Now I finally feel like I have the patience and your book makes me feel like it's something really possible. And it's a very exciting feeling.
Wendy Nienhuis

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