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FOREWORD — by David Shepherd — sample page

I am honoured to have received this endorsement of Drawing from Line to Life from the eminent and much respected artist David Shepherd.

David Shepherd foreword to Drawing From Line To Life by Mike Sibley
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I was delighted when I received a request from Mike Sibley to write a brief foreword to the reprint of this book because, for many years, I have admired his incredible work. Moreover, some years ago, my wife and I purchased a gorgeous black and white landscape, illustrated on page 227, Done Balin', which encapsulates all that I love to paint in oils; a long distant past when bees were buzzing and there was no pollution and everyone seemed to take life at a more leisurely pace. We bought the print to remind us of Cookie and Willow, our two bearded collies who we adore and who rule our lives.

Looking through this magnificent volume, I am absolutely amazed at Mike's talent and what he achieves with a pencil. It is more than a book of lovely illustrations. It is a mine of information, demonstrating his technique in the minutest detail and it is a source of inspiration and information for those who work in this difficult medium. In short, Mike's book is unique and surely a work to treasure for anyone who is interested in English landscapes, portraits, and, in my view, dogs as well! So read it, enjoy it and learn from it. Thank you Mike for producing such a masterwork.
David Shepherd

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